AssetAccountant allows you to upload information in bulk for assets and leases that are entered into to finance an asset such as hire purchase or chattel mortgage arrangements.

This article covers the case where the profile of the lease is:

  • A one-off up front payment such as a deposit (Optional)
  • A series of regular payments
  • A final (balloon) payment (Optional)

In order to do this, you will need to prepare a data upload file as per the template available in the AssetAccountant interface.

When you ready to upload the data, navigate to the Add Assets > File Import area and choose "New Lease Import" > "New Asset Financed Import (regular payments)":

and then upload your file:

Upload your file and the system will walk you through a wizard to make sure the data is mapped correctly.

Firstly, if there are multiple tabs in the uploaded file, you will be asked to nominate the relevant worksheet to import:

Then the AssetAccountant importing wizard will ask for the header row for the data:

Confirm the header and press Next. Then you will be asked to confirm some points about the upload:

Opening Balances and Lease Opening Balances should be used for assets and leases that you are bringing in part way through their lives and want AssetAccountant to start with the closing balance from your prior system.

Lease interest paid is to specify if the interest is accounted for at the start or end of the lease payment period and "Pools" is if you are bringing in any assets that are in a pool for tax purposes.

From here, you will be asked to confirm the columns are mapped to the correct fields for upload.