Renaming Tracking Categories in Xero:

When you rename your Tracking Categories in Xero, AssetAccountant™ will detect these as new Tracking Categories and will attempt to make the most logical mapping. 

So, the next time you go to sync Tracking Categories, you will have an opportunity to match these up with AA's Classifications.

If they are already a text exact match with the Classifications in AA, they will be auto-selected for you these for you.

So all you need to do here is click on 'Sync with Xero Tracking Categories' and follow the mapping process.

Tracking Categories have been removed from Xero:

You should proceed to 'editing' the Classification(s) in AA and unticking the box next to the Tracking Categories you wish to remove from AA.

This will have the effect of removing these options from the AA interface (e.g. when you next add a new asset), however AA will maintain a reference in the Classifications area just so we don't destroy any past data and the associated historical journals.

NOTE: AA can only enable mapping to active Tracking Categories in Xero.

If you really need to run journals with now removed Tracking Categories:

  1. temporarily reactivate the inactive Tracking Categories in Xero
  2. re-sync your Classifications, ensuring that these particular classifications are mapped correctly
  3. transfer any assets assigned to inactive classifications to active classifications (so that this doesn't recur) on a date prior to the date of the journal you wish to post
  4. post your journal - again, with an end date after these classification transfer dates
  5. deactivate the Tracking Categories you wish to deactivate

Point 3. is the most important - it doesn't make sense for AA to continue to post to inactive Tracking Categories in Xero.

If this procedure affects many assets, AA has a Bulk Classification Transfer feature. 

In AA, you can find this in the main navigation under 'Bulk Actions' > then click on 'New Upload' > 'Bulk Classification' > the first screen you'll see provides full instructions on how to use this feature.

But when I re-run the journal, it doesn’t seem to have changed the journal?

This gets tricky.

What's probably happening is that, since some Classification entries have been previously journaled, AA needs to reverse them.

Depreciation Expense is normally a debit and Accumulated Depreciation is normally a credit.

Look carefully and you should notice that these have been reversed in your new journal.

Classification Transfers and Group Transfers can be a bit mind-bending, but what happens during a transfer in AA is:

  • AA moves all Balance Sheet items from the acquisition of the asset.
  • AA moves all P&L items from the date of the transfer.
  • AA then takes account for any past journals - so you will see some movements from the original Classification or Group to the new Classification or Group if there have ever been any journals that were created before you effected the transfer.