How to add a leased asset in AssetAccountant: 

To add a new leased asset, navigate to the Add Assets section in the left-hand menu (1). Next, select the HP/Lease Asset option (2), and fill in the relevant fields.

Next, scroll down to the Payments section to input your payment schedule. You can either input this information manually or copy and paste it from a spreadsheet (a), or you can use AssetAccountant™'s interest calculator to generate a payment schedule (b).

Upon pressing "Generate Schedule", a side panel will open. Start by entering the amount financed (1), then all individual or periodic payments (2), and press "Generate Schedule" (3). Once you're happy with the schedule, press "Use Schedule" (4), and the full schedule (in green below), will be entered into the system.

Additionally, if the amount capitalised is different from the amount financed, you can adjust it in the field below the Payment schedule.

Finally, scroll down and edit the depreciation methods as you would for any other asset, and press "Save".

How to add a lease to an existing asset: 

To add a lease to an existing asset, start by opening the asset you would like to add a lease to, and select "+ Add Lease" from the Actions dropdown.

This will open the side panel, where you can specify whether the asset is a hire purchase (1), input the payment schedule (2), either manually (a) or using AssetAccountant™'s interest calculator (b) (See above for how to use the interest calculator).

Finally, press "Add Lease", and you will be able to see your lease transactions in the Asset view.