AssetAccountant syncs with all Sage Dimensions, including User-Defined Dimensions.

In AssetAccountant we call these Classifications, which you can find in Register Settings -> Classifications.

We recommend that you sync with Sage Dimensions prior to creating any Classifications manually, as this syncing process will automatically create Classifications in AssetAccountant.

Connecting AssetAccountant™ Classification to Sage Intacct Dimensions

  • In your register settings select the Classifications tab,

You will see any existing classifications you have already set. As well as the option to Sync with Sage Intacct Dimensions.

  • Select the option to Sync with Sage Intacct Dimensions. 
  • In the first form, you are given the option to select which sage Dimensions you would like to create as new, or sync with existing AssetAccountant™ Classifications. 
  • The following form/s give you the option to select which values you would like to create new or map to existing for each Classification/ Dimension you are syncing. 
  • Click next to save your selection until you reach the summary page.

This will show you what Dimensions you are creating or mapping to Classifications as well as the values for each Classification.