In AssetAccountant, a user's permission levels can be different for an organisation vs a register. This article outlines how to change a user's permissions in an organisation. To change it in a register, click here.

To change a user's role permission, navigate to "Organisation Settings" on the left-hand menu (1), select the "Users" tab (2), find the user whose role you wish to change and open the drop-down menu (3) under the Role column, then select whichever role you wish to change them to (4).

Below is a summary of the permissions of each role:


For data security and privacy reasons, AssetAccountant staff are NOT authorised to add or change Users or increase/decrease their existing privileges for Organisations and individual Registers. Please seek this action from your manager(s) who have been assigned the applicable User Roles identified below (a Manager, Administrator or the Owner of the account).